8 Bullet Journal Weekly Spreads That Are Simple To Set Up

Sometimes you have the time, energy and interest to create beautiful weekly spreads in your bullet journal.

And other times, life is just too busy and you need a simple set up to get on with your planning.

I’ve tried many, many weekly spreads and layouts in my almost two years of bullet journaling.

I mean there are some beautiful bullet journaling ideas around!

But for me, I always find that the simpler the weekly layout in my bullet journal, the more I use it.

And that’s really the whole point of bullet journaling, right? To be more productive.

New to bullet journaling? Check out this post first: Bullet Journaling Basics

The Best Bullet Journal Layout for You

Hands down, the best bullet journal weekly layout for you, is the one that you will actually use.

Think of those things that you personally need to include in order to boost your productivity, simplify and make the most of your time.

The options are endless, but here are just a few ideas:

Things You Might Include In Your 
Bullet Journal Weekly Spread:

  • Priority Task List
  • Weekly overview
  • Daily overviews
  • Goals for the week
  • Habit trackers
  • Inspiring quotes and thoughts
  • Creative doodles, drawings and borders
  • Spending log
  • Gratitude journaling
  • Weather forecasts
  • Baby feeding/sleeping tracker
  • Time blocking schedules
  • Meal planning
  • Cleaning routines
  • Kid’s chores and pocket money
  • Mood, sleep and health trackers
  • Work or business tasks
  • Birthdays, anniversaries and special events
  • Tracking work hours
  • Planning for next week
  • General note taking
  • Memories or weekly highlights
  • Things to improve


Here are 8 of the layouts that I tend to use to keep my weekly spreads simple and practical for my time management needs.

They all tend to depend on what’s going on in my life each week and if there is anything that I need to focus on.

All are simple to set up, don’t require elaborate decorations but can easily be ‘dressed-up’ if you’re feeling creative.  

1. A ‘big week’ spread

With a simple Dutch door cut-in, you create extra room….

but still keeps your entire week at a glance

Rest assured, this layout is waaaay simpler than it looks.

This week was gearing up to be a busy one and I knew that my normal layouts weren’t going to cut it.

The section across the top still shows all the events, work times and birthdays – at a glance.

But by cutting in a simple ‘Dutch door’, you can add a lot more space for writing to-do lists, notes and events for each of your busy days.

Add strips of washi tape to provide a pop of colour and a protective border for the Dutch door page.

Best for:

  • Those weeks you know are going to be hectic and your to-list and rapid logging is out of control
  • You don’t feel the need for ‘daily pages’ but a weekly spread is just not enough
  • You like to keep the entire weeks events at a glance

2. The ‘took 30 seconds’ weekly spread

I’m really not kidding when I say that it took 30 seconds to draw up and add some washi tape (to hide some mistakes!)

I drew this up quickly late Monday morning and got on with my planning.

Quick, simple and did the trick for this week!

Best for:

  • Catching up on your weekly planning (that you may have totally forgotten about after a busy weekend)

3. The Productivity’ spread

A great weekly layout for maximum productivity

This weekly spread has the ability to fit it all in.

Quick to draw up (and with room to dress it up if you prefer), this weekly spread enables you to fit in all the events and commitments for each of the week, a separate to do list for each day.

There is still a whole other page with which to fit a weekly to do list plus work tasks, a habit tracker and space for next week’s planning.


Best for:

  • One of my favourites for quickly setting up a weekly spread that allows for many areas of your busy life.

4. The ‘mindfulness’ spread

A more gentle, mindful weekly layout.

This is a simple weekly spread that was quick to set up and left me with the warm and fuzzies each time I used it over the week.

By including an inspiring quote and ‘focus’ words, I was constantly reminded that life is not all about getting your endless to-do list done, but instead narrowing your focus and priorities.

Best for:

  • Those weeks when you know that you need to slow down and focus on the important stuff!

5. The big goals’ spread

This weekly spread was inspired by my lagging a bit too much on some big goals.

So I wanted to start the week with these goals being my top 3 priorities – front and centre!

There was still plenty of room for a to-do list, notes and room to plan each day.

The ‘highlights of the week’ section was a great touch to boost motivation and inspire action on these big goals I was working on.

Best for:

  • Those weeks you need to really focus on some key priorities or goals.

6. The ‘on point’ spread

This weekly layout gets straight to the point

This was going to be a fast and furious week. So it called for a rigid layout to keep me on track.

With space for a weekly rapid log, daily events, daily tasks, meal planning and still room for random thoughts and gratitude journaling.

Best for:

  • A busy week, as it has the ability to keep you on track, without the fussiness.

7. The ‘super-simple spread


Super simple weekly spread!

This weekly layout was set up to serve two main goals for this week: to get my meal planning back on track and to stick to my habit tracker!

It wasn’t a super busy week, so I didn’t need a large space for rapid logging, so this layout worked well and was quick to set up. I did end up adding some washi paper as the week went on.

Best for:

  • A reasonably quieter week, with the room to focus on some habit setting and tracking!

8. The ‘time-blocking spread

This weekly spread is great when you want to use time blocking.

Time blocking is a productivity tool by where you block out sections of time and allocate them to focused tasks.

The results can be great for getting things done.

Best for:

  • Beating procrastination and focusing on taking massive action.

Keeping Your Bullet Journal Simple

Personally, I think that the bullet journal weekly spreads are where the biggest productivity gains come from.

And it may be a bit of trial and error as to what works best for you, depending on what you have going on each week and what you need to focus on.

That’s the magic of bullet journaling – being able to make it work for you!

Even if you’re keeping it simple, you might be inclined to occasionally ‘spruce’ up your bullet journal layouts a bit – a simple way to do this is to play around with your bullet journal fonts and doodles. 


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